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DAR AS CARTAS em inglês: Como se diz?



Dar as cartas em inglês: To deal in | To deal the cards | To call (all) the shots | To call the tune | To hold all the aces (or cards)

To deal in, to deal the cards, to call (all) the shots, to call the tune, to hold all the aces (or cards)” significam dar as cartas em inglês. “To deal in, to deal the cards” significam literalmente dar as cartas, ser o distribuidor de cartas (dealer). E as demais expressões também, porém em sentido figurado é estar no controle da situação; ser o chefe, o responsável; quem decide o que deve ser feito; mandar. Estar em vantagem.

What do “to deal in, to deal the cards, to call (all) the shots, to call the tune, to hold all the aces (or cards)” mean?

“To deal in, to deal the cards, to call (all) the shots, to call the tune, to hold all the aces (or cards)” are idioms. The definition or meaning is “to be in charge or control; to determine the policy or procedure; to make the decisions, manage, determine”. Another meaning would be “to be in charge, to be in control, to be at the helm/wheel, to be in the driving seat, to pull the strings; to run the show, to be the boss”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “to deal in, to deal the cards, to call (all) the shots, to call the tune, to hold all the aces (or cards)” in Portuguese?

  1. The dealer is the person whose turn and responsibility it is to deal the cards. / O “dealer” é a pessoa cuja vez e responsabilidade é dar as cartas.
  2. The dealer dealt in all the players who sat at the table. / Quem distribuia as cartas deu cartas para todos os jogadores que sentavam à mesa.
  3. I hold all the aces. I’m in the catbird seat. / Eu que dou as cartas. Eu estou com a faca e o queijo na mão.
  4. John always wants to call the shots, and Anne doesn’t like to be bossed around. / O João sempre quer dar as cartas, e a Ana não quer que ninguém mande nela.
  5. They don’t get along well. Anne always wants to call the tune. / Eles não se dão bem. A Ana quer sempre dar as cartas.
  6. It’s up to the boss to call the shots. / Cabe ao chefe decidir o que fazer.
  7. She was used to calling the shots, to being in charge. / Ela costumava dar as cartas, a estar no comando.
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