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Como se diz “ponto de vista” em inglês?



Ponto de vista em inglês: Slant | Point of view | Standpoint | Viewpoint | Outlook

Slant, point of view, standpoint, viewpoint, outlook” significam ponto de vista em inglês. Ou seja, a perspectiva; a opinião, o modo ver as coisas; panorama.

What does “slant, point of view, standpoint, viewpoint, outlook” mean?

Slant, point of view, standpoint, viewpoint, outlook” is a noun. The definition or meaning is “a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated”. Another meaning or synonym would be “standpoint, slant, outlook, viewpoint, opinion, perspective”.

How do you say “slant, point of view, standpoint, viewpoint, outlook” in Portuguese?

  1. She has a feminist slant. / Ela tem um ponto de vista feminista.
  2. What’s your slant about it? / Qual é a sua opinião a respeito?
  3. From a technical standpoint what does the Windows do? / Dum ponto de vista técnico, o que o Windows faz?
  4. From biblical viewpoint abortion is a crime. / Do ponto de vista bíblico, o aborto é um crime.
  5. In my point of view is good to learn another language. / Do meu ponto de vista é bom aprender um outro idioma.
  6. The two men were wholly different in outlook. / Os dois homens tinham pontos de vistas completamente diferentes.
  7. She has a positive outlook on life. / Ela tem uma perspectiva positiva da vida.

Slant” também pode significar ladeira, inclinação.

  • That house floor was slanting. / O piso daquela casa era inclinado.
  • The slant (or slope) of the roof is good. / A inclinação do teto está boa.
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