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Como se diz “na hora errada” em inglês?



Na hora errada em inglês: Untimely | Unripe for | Not ripe for | At the wrong time

Untimely, unripe for, not ripe for” significam na hora errada em inglês. Ou seja, fora de hora, inoportuno, inconveniente, precoce, prematuro. Intempestivo, extemporâneo.

What do “untimely, unripe for, not ripe for” mean?

Untimely, unripe for, not ripe for” are adjectives. The definition or meaning is “at an inopportune time; before the due, natural, or proper time, prematurely”. Another meaning would be “immature; not prepared; too early, too soon, before time; inappropriate; inconvenient; at the wrong time”.

How do you say “untimely, unripe for, not ripe for” in Portuguese?

  1. Paul arrived here untimely. / O Paulo chegou aqui na hora errada.
  2. The moment was untimely chosen. / O momento foi inoportunamente escolhido.
  3. He was young and had an untimely death. / Ele era jovem e morreu antes do tempo (prematuramente).
  4. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. / Eles estavam no lugar errado na hora errada.
  5. The time is not ripe for this approach. / A hora não é oportuna para essa abordagem.
  6. The fruit was unripe for picking. / A fruta não estava madura pra ser colhida.
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