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Como se diz “impressionante” em inglês?



Impressionante em inglês: Amazing | Astounding | Astonishing | Impressive | Striking | Awesome

Amazing, astounding, astonishing, impressive, striking, awesome” significam impressionante em inglês, digno de ser notado, surpreendente.

What do “amazing, astounding, astonishing, impressive, striking, awesome” mean?

Astounding, astonishing, impressive, striking, awesome” are informal expression. The definition or meaning is “causing astonishment or amazement; making or tending to make a marked impression”. Another meaning would be “causing amazement, great wonder, or surprise”.

How do you say “amazing, astounding, astonishing, impressive, striking, awesome” in Portuguese?

  1. We have an impressive view up here. / Temos uma vista impressionante aqui de cima.
  2. It’s astounding how he still puts up with her. / É impressionante como ele ainda a suporta.
  3. She made an astonishing career in Hollywood. / Ela fez um carreira impressionante em Hollywood.
  4. Rachel McAdams is naturally striking. / A Rachel McAdams é naturalmente linda.
  5. It’s striking that there’s no research about that. / É impressionante não haver pesquisa sobre isso.
  6. This house promotes awesome parties. / Essa casa promove festas impressionantes.
  7. That is amazing, congratulations. / Foi impressionante, parabéns.
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