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Como se diz “defeito” em inglês?



Defeito em inglês: Defect | Fault | Failure | Shortcoming | Flaw

Defect, fault, failure, shortcoming, flaw” significam defeito em inglês. Ou seja, falha, erro, imperfeição.

What does “defect, fault, failure, shortcoming, flaw” mean?

Defect, fault, failure, shortcoming, flaw” are nouns. The definition or meaning is “an imperfection or lack that detracts from the whole also the quality or state of being flawed or lacking; a defect in physical structure or form”. Another meaning would be “an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness; a failing to perform a duty or expected action”.

How do you say “Defect, fault, failure, shortcoming, flaw” in Portuguese?

  1. The property is free from defect. / A propriedade está livre de defeito.
  2. My worst fault is impatience. / Meu pior defeito é a impaciência.
  3. Brazil has an economic policy that is doomed to failure. / O Brasil tem uma política econômica fadada ao fracasso.
  4. He discussed the shortcomings of his wife in public. / Ele discutia os defeitos da sua esposa em público.
  5. Her charm far outweighs any flaws. / O charme dela compensa em muito qualquer falha que ela tiver.
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