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Como se diz “causar discórdia” em inglês?



Causar discórdia em inglês: To drive a wedge between

To drive a wedge between” significa causar discórdia em inglês. Ou seja, causar intriga ou divisão entre pessoas.

What does “to drive a wedge between” mean?

“To drive a wedge between” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “To cause discord between two people or things; to cause people to oppose one another or turn against one another”. Another meaning would be “to form a gulf between, to cause there to be problems between”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “to drive a wedge between” in Portuguese?

  1. I don’t want to drive a wedge between you and your mother. / Não quero causar discórdia entre você e sua mãe.
  2. Money often drives a wedge between friends. / O dinheiro com frequência causa divisão entre amigos.
  3. There were disagreements between parents and adolescents. / Houve desentendimentos entre pais e adolescentes.
  4. I used to be close friends with Anne, but once she started dating my ex-boyfriend, it really drove a wedge between us. / Eu era uma amiga achegada da Ana, mas desde que ela começou a namorar o meu ex-namorado, isso realmente causou uma discórdia entre nós.
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