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AMOR À PRIMEIRA VISTA: Como se diz em inglês?



Amor à primeira vista em inglês: Love at first sight

Love at first sight” significa amor à primeira vista em inglês. Ou seja, amor súbito, ao primeiro encontro.

What does “love at first sight” mean?

The definition or meaning of “love at first sight” is “love established when two people first see one another”. Another meaning or synonym would be “falling in love with someone at first glance; instantaneous attraction”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “love at first sight” in Portuguese?

  1. With John and Anne, it was a case of love at first sight. / Com o João e a Ana, foi um caso de amor à primeira vista.
  2. John saw that car, it was love at first sight. / O João viu o carro e foi amor à primeira vista.
  3. She took an immediate liking to him ? it was love at first sight. / Ela automaticamente gostou dele – foi amor à primeira vista.
  4. It was love at first sight when they met, but it didn’t last long. / Foi amor à primeira vista quando se conheceram, mas não durou muito.
  5. John was standing at the door when Ann opened it. It was love at first sight. / O João estava em pé à porta quando a Ana a abriu. Foi amor à primeira vista.
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