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Como se diz “meter o rabo entre as pernas” em inglês?



With one’s tail between one’s legs

With one’s tail between one’s legs” significa com o rabo entre as pernas em inglês. Expressão que faz alusão ao cão que, quando enxotado por alguém, sai amedrontado com o rabo entre as pernas.

A expressão meter o rabo entre as pernas significa encolher-se, calar, com medo ou por não ter razão.

What does “with one’s tail between one’s legs” mean?

With one’s tail between one’s legs” is an idiom. The definition or meaning is “appearing frightened or cowardly”.

Another meaning would be “to leave feeling ashamed and embarrassed because one have failed or made a mistake”.

How do you say “with one’s tail between one’s legs” in Portuguese?

  1. When people criticize him unjustly, he just goes away with his tail between his legs and doesn’t tell them that they’re wrong. / Quando alguém o critica injustamente, ele simplesmente sai com o rabo entre as pernas e não diz que eles estão enganados.
  2. The frightened dog ran away with its tail between its legs when the bigger dog growled. / O cão amedrontado fugiu com o rabo entre as pernas quando o cão maior rosnou.
  3. The losing team walked off with their tails between their legs. / O time que perdeu se retirou com o rabo entre as pernas.
  4. After bragging about her great musical ability, she lost the competition and went off with her tail between her legs. / Depois de se gabar sobre sua grande habilidade musical, ela perdeu a competição e saiu com o rabo entre as pernas.
  5. He retreated from the fight with his tail between his legs. / Ele se retirou da luta com o rabo entre as pernas.
  6. Dogs often put their tail between their legs when someone has spoken angrily to them. / Os cães geralmente metem o rabo entre as pernas quando alguém fala rispidamente com eles.
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