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Como se diz “imprevisível” em inglês?



Imprevisível em inglês: Unpredictable | fickle | unforeseeable

Unpredictable, fickle, unforeseeable” significam imprevisível em inglês. Que não se pode prever.

What do “unpredictable, fickle, unforeseeable” mean?

“Unpredictable, fickle, unforeseeable, unexpected” are adjectives. The definition or meaning is “marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability; given to erratic changeableness; uncertain, not predictable; not expected; unpredicted”. Another meaning would be “not foreseeable, cannot be foreseen; unanticipated; inconstant in one’s affections”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “unpredictable, fickle, unforeseeable” in Portuguese?

  1. She was a moody person whose behavior was erratic and whose actions were unpredictable. / Ela era uma pessoa temperamental, vivia de lá pra cá e cujas ações eram imprevisíveis.
  2. She is emotional and unpredictable. / Ela é emotiva e imprevisível.
  3. The weather is always fickle. / O tempo lá é sempre imprevisível.
  4. He’s always changing in a unpredictable way trying to surprise them. / Ele sempre muda de modo imprevisível na tentativa de surpreendê-los.
  5. Some events are unforeseeable. / Alguns eventos são imprevisíveis.
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