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Como se diz “estar no encalço de alguém” em inglês?



Estar no encalço de alguém em inglês: To pursue | To be on someone’s heels | To be on someone’s tail | To be on the (hot) trail (or track) of someone | To be at someone’s back

To pursue, to be on someone’s heels, to be on someone’s tail, to be on the (hot) trail (or track) of someone, to be at someone’s back” significam perseguir, ir ou estar no encalço de alguém em inglês.

What does “to pursue, to be on someone’s heels, to be on someone’s tail, to be on the (hot) trail (or track) of someone, to be at someone’s back” mean?

“To pursue, to be on someone’s heels, to be on someone’s tail, to be on the (hot) trail (or track) of someone, to be at someone’s back” are verbs and idioms. The definition or meaning is “to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat; to be close to find someone”. Another meaning would be “to criticize someone several times in an annoying way; to be very close to catching or finding someone”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “to pursue, to be on someone’s heels, to be on someone’s tail, to be on the (hot) trail (or track) of someone, to be at someone’s back” in Portuguese?

  1. The police is on his tracks. / A polícia anda-lhe ao encalço.
  2. We pursued him. / Fomos ao encalço dele.
  3. I pursued him down the garden. / Eu o persegui até o jardim.
  4. I am hot on the trail of the book that I have been seeking for months. / Estou perto de conseguir o livro que venho procurando há meses.
  5. Everybody is on his heels because he owes a lot of money. / Todo mundo está no seu encalço porque ele deve muito dinheiro.
  6. He always felt that his competitors were on his heels. / Ele sentiu que seus concorrentes sempre estavam no seu encalço (perto de alcançá-lo).
  7. There is a huge truck on my tail. / Há um caminhão enorme no meu encalço.
  8. The police is on his tail after following the lead.s / A polícia está no encalço dele depois de seguir as pistas.
  9. The cops were on his back after that. / Os tiras ficaram na cola dele depois disso.

O que significa “to be at someone’s back” em inglês?

To be at someone’s back” significa ou quer dizer literalmente estar atrás de alguém. Porém, também significa estar no encalço de alguém ou estar atrás de alguém no sentido de apoiar ou ajudar.

  • She has been at his back the whole morning. / Ela ficou no encalço dele a manhã inteira.
  • “I’ve got the will of the people at my back“, he said at the moment of victory. / “Eu tenho a vontade do povo nas minhas costas (apoio)”, disse ele no momento da vitória.
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