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Como dizer “num piscar de olhos” em inglês?



Num piscar de olhos em inglês: In a blink (or twinkle | wink) of an eye

In a blink (or twinkle | wink) of an eye” significa num piscar de olhos em inglês. Ou seja, num abrir e fechar de olhos, muito rápido, num instante.

What does “in a blink (or twinkle | wink) of an eye” mean?

“In a blink (or twinkle | wink) of an eye” is an idiom. The definition or meaning is “immediately, in a flash, instantly, in a jiffy”. Another meaning would be “very quickly; at once; in an instant”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “in a blink (or twinkle | wink) of an eye” in Portuguese?

  1. In a twinkle of an eye he finished the job. / Num piscar de olhos ele terminou o serviço.
  2. In a wink of an eye the child was missing. / Num piscar de olhos a criança desapareceu.
  3. I lost her of my sight in a twinkling of an eye. / Eu a perdi ela de vista num piscar de olhos.
  4. In the blink of an eye the handsome prince was transformed into an ugly frog. / Num piscar de olhos o lindo príncipe se transformou num sapo feio.
  5. Her mood can change in the twinkling of an eye. / O humor dela pode mudar num piscar de olhos.

O que significa o provérbio “a wink is as good as a nod” em inglês ?

A wink is as good as a nod” significa para um bom entendedor meia palavra basta.

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