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Como se diz “valorizar” em inglês?



Valorizar em inglês: To appreciate | To appraise | To increase in value | To prize

To appreciate, to appraise, to increase in value, to prize” significam valorizar em inglês, dar valor a. Apreciar, reconhecer o valor de algo. Ser grato a alguém.

What does “to appreciate, to appraise, to increase in value, to prize” mean?

To appreciate, to appraise, to increase in value, to prize” are verbs. The definition or meaning is “to hold in high estimation; to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of”. Another meaning would be “to evaluate the worth, significance, or status of; to increase in worth; to value highly”.

How do you say “to appreciate, to appraise, to increase in value, to prize” in Portuguese?

  1. She feels that he doesn’t appreciate her. / Ela sente que ele não a valoriza.
  2. They expected the house to appreciate in value. / Eles tinham a expectativa de que a casa se valorizasse.
  3. They didn’t take for granted the received support. / Eles valorizaram o apoio que receberam.
  4. The dollar appreciated against the real by almost 50 per cent this year. / O dólar se valorizou frente ao real em quase 50 porcento este ano.
  5. They appraised their handiwork. / Eles valorizaram o artesanato (trabalho manual) deles.
  6. Many collectors prize his work. / Muitos colecionadores valorizam o trabalho dele.
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